Island & Cruise Adventure Inc

photos by :: ken jones

SOCORRO Islands (Mexico)

The Socorro Islands (also known as The Revillagigedos Islands) are located in the eastern Pacific Ocean approximately 250 miles south of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico – at the tip of the Baja peninsula. These islands have been compared to the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador or Cocos Island in Costa Rica because of the big animal encounters they provide. 

Trips to the Socorro Islands are scheduled November - June.  These months are the best for favorable weather conditions and to encounter the large pelagics that roam this area. Specifically from mid January through mid April the Socorro Islands are home to a large population of humpback whales that come here to breed and calve.  Whale sharks are a special treat at the islands; they are usually seen in November/December and late April/May/June.  

The giant Pacific manta, pods of wild bottlenose dolphin, extremely large tuna (the world record yellowfin is from these waters), wahoo and thick schools of jacks are all encountered underwater on a regular basis throughout the entire season. Add to the mix visiting hammerhead cleaning stations plus sometimes encountering up to seven species of sharks on a single dive and you have the opportunity to experience some of the best big animal diving in the world!